Joint Replacement Surgery - An Overview

Generally, joint replacement surgery is considered when there is severe damage to the joints, bones, surrounding muscles or tissues. It is recommended only after all other treatment options have failed. Surgical intervention is often the last resort in cases where the pain becomes too much or movements are severely restricted. When joints wear away with age or get inflamed due to injuries, stress or trauma, pain, stiffness, and swelling are natural. Unfortunately, these problems worsen with time, and in many cases, surgery is required. Only a doctor can say whether the condition is severe enough to warrant a replacement surgery. Typically, doctors try alternative methods like medication, braces, and aids. But, as a rule, if there is too much pain and if the movement is highly restricted, surgery is indicated. In a joint replacement surgery, the damaged joint is replaced with prosthesis or an artificial joint. The artificial joint is made of materials like plastic or metal. The...